Five Products Designed to Make a New Mom’s Life Simpler

Raising a baby is one of the most difficult and rewarding journeys that a new mother will ever embark on. It’s one that is full of struggles, tears, and frustration. It is also, however, one that brings about the purest love imaginable. No one argues that being a mom is tough, especially for an infant and newborn. Luckily, there are products available that can make a mother’s life much simpler.

Swaddlers Keep Baby Secure

Swaddlers are a beautiful invention that is designed to keep a baby feeling safe and secure. For 9 months, a baby has become used to feeling snug inside the womb. Once they’re out, they can experience overwhelming sensations. Therefore, a Swaddler is perfect for naptime. All you have to do is put your baby in it and velcro it across their chest. In no time, they’ll feel secure which helps bring about nap time in no time. New mothers often try to swaddle their babies with a blanket like the hospitals did. This, however, can be difficult and a baby can easily escape if it’s not tight enough. New mothers should save themselves the trouble and try Swaddlers.

Shop Swaddles on Amazon

Boppy Pillows to Save the Day

A boppy pillow is a must-have for all new mothers. It’s versatile and will literally fulfill a whole slew of purposes for the babies first year of life. If a new mother is breastfeeding, the boppy pillow allows the baby to easily lay across her while having easy access to the breast. As babies get older, they like to look at the world and take everything in that’s around them. Boppy pillows help them to be propped up so that they can see. Finally, a boppy is great for having your baby practice tummy time which is crucial to a babies development and overall health.

Shop Boppy Pillows on Amazon

A Baby Carrier for Peace of Mind

A baby carrier is something that every new mother needs, especially if she wants to be able to get things done around the house. A baby carrier allows the baby to get that precious skin-to-skin contact. It also allows the mother to get things done by having full control of her hands. It’s a win-win for both mom and baby. There are a variety of different carriers such as wraps, slings, and backpacks. You can carry your baby around as you get things done like meal prep and cleaning. Baby carriers are also lifesavers in public if you’re in a crowded area and don’t want to push around a stroller.

Shop Baby Carriers on Amazon

Amber Teething Necklaces are Soothing

Many people swear by amber teething necklaces when their baby or toddler starts teething. These are necklaces that are designed to alleviate the pain that comes along with it. If you notice your baby is fussing, they might be teething. An amber necklace contains Baltic amber which has anti-inflammatory capabilities. After just a few hours of the necklace being on, you’ll be able to see that your baby is already starting to feel better. The necklace as safe, but as always, make sure that you are keeping a close eye on your baby when they are wearing it.

Shop Amber Teething Necklaces

In Case of Emergency: Portable Changing Pads Will be Your Best Friend

A portable changing pad will save a new mother’s life in chances of emergency. Not every restaurant and public place will have a changing station for your newborn. Therefore, it’s always convenient to have a portable changing pad with you. You can roll these out and safely place the baby on top while changing him or her. These portable pads are easy to wipe clean and are much more sanitary than any other surface that you would put your baby down on to change. There’s nothing worse than your baby having a blowout in a public place while you’re not prepared. These pads also come in handy at home if you’re in a different room than the nursery.

Shop Portable Changing Pads

Overall, these products are designed to make a new moms life easier. They’re also designed to help the baby adapt to the world which in turn, makes things easier on mom.

Deni Pearson

Deni Pearson is a blogger and graphic designer in Sarasota, FL. She has produced content of all types for several Fortune 500 clients. Her cat's name is Sadie Hawkins.

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